The Rapidly Emptying Nest


A baby no more

It seems like yesterday  I was changing diapers, wiping snotty noses, and stepping on stray Legos in my bare feet.

Oh wait!  That WAS yesterday! 

Seriously though, time has flown faster than I could have imagined.  I watched Tyler grow from a busy little boy who could melt my heart with just one, “I love you, Mommy,” to a young man of 19 trying to find his place in the world. 

I have witnessed the “firsts,” like:  First steps, first words, first love, first broken heart, first day of school, and his first job.

He was my shadow when he was little; always next to me, asking questions and sharing his dreams.  Now, he is enjoying his freedom, away from Mom, and trying to exercise his independence. 

He has a girlfriend, a job, and an apartment and he’s living about 30 minutes away from me…too far by my standards.  There are plans for college this fall and dreams of a career in music someday. 

Just a few short years ago, he was dreaming of growing up and never getting married, because “girls are disgusting!”  He wanted to be a policeman, a fire-fighter, and a Marine.  He was afraid of monsters under the bed and made me spray “Monster Repellant” in every corner of his bedroom.   A spider could send him screaming like a little girl, out of his room and into my lap until I went to kill the offending arachnid.

In middle-school there were icky girls, fights in the cafeteria and….show choir.

Show choir was Tyler’s “sport.”  While other boys were getting suited up for football games, playing basketball, and trying to be tough, Tyler was taking dance lessons and singing all—the—time.  He discovered a profound love of music that has never left him.  It is in his DNA having musical parents, and being surrounded by it all his life.  Music is the compass he uses as he journeys through his life.

Tyler’s high school years were spent trying to figure out who he was, just like any other teenage boy.  He is a smart kid and never had to study hard to do well.  Applying himself was a challenge though.  Heaven forbid he would get good grades and be labeled a “nerd.”  Tyler’s strategy was to do the bare minimum to get by, graduate, and move on. Unfortunately, that did not work to his advantage.  He began experimenting with illegal substances, starting hanging out with a rough crowd, and got into more trouble than I could hope to protect him from.  As a family, we endured his treatment for substance abuse, learned a new lingo, and I became his “warden.”  It was hard to watch him struggle, knowing that there was NOTHING I could do to heal him.  As a parent, it was the first time I felt utterly helpless.  Then, before I knew it, he was better. He was productive, had good friends, and was moving on with his life.

On May 17th 2013, my son Tyler graduated from high school.  As I watched him cross that stage and accept his diploma, 19 years of memories flashed through my mind.  Although he has left my nest, I’m pretty sure he will be back again from time to time. 

I look forward to watching him grow as a man, a musician, maybe even a husband and father someday…no hurry though!! I already see great potential in my “little” boy.

Tyler, I’m proud of you…of your talents and gifts, of how you overcame the obstacles in your young life, and of your heart. That loving, giving, and open heart that you wear proudly on your sleeve.  I’m proud of your creativity and your sensitivity.  Most of all, I’m proud that you are my SON, and I love you so much.

Good luck and God’s Blessings on your future Honey.  Remember, I’m never far away.


Now, one more to go….