Missing in Action – Presumed…?

This evening I realized that I have been missing from my blog for over 2 years.  I make no excuses for my lengthy absence, but I do offer a sincere apology.  Honestly, I’m not sure who I’m apologizing to, since I don’t really have any followers, but I’m sorry just the same.

My absence from WordPress has not been without drama; family, work, and the internal dialogue I carry on with myself, are all constant sources of entertainment, humor and learning.  There really isn’t any hope to catch up two years of events in one sitting, so where to begin?

Major Shake-Ups

There have been a few major milestones over the past couple years.  My husband retired (yes, retired) in June 2010.  While retirement can be a difficult transition for some, Larry has flourished.  He has begun landscaping again, and most recently, began a photography business.  Shameless plug:  www.larrygildsphotography.smugmug.com.  He takes the pics, and I edit them.  We are an amazing team…as long as he stays out of my way!

We just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary this past June.  Who would have thought we’d make it here, and so quickly!  I’m looking forward to another  30 years with him.  I always knew he was my soul mate!

Grandma Stella passed away in May 2010.  Words cannot express the depth of my grief.  She was my second mother and a very big part of my life.  I miss her everyday.  Grandma, the lessons you taught me will stay with me forever, and I will hand them down to my grandchildren someday.

Grandpa George lost his battle with cancer in 2010.  It was hard to say good-bye.  He was my step-dad’s father, and I will never forget our first meeting.  I was 5 years old, and wanting to practice my good manners, I held out my hand for him to shake as Mom introduced us.  He pulled me into a big bear hug and said, “No handshakes here.  We’re family and there is always room in these arms for more grandchildren!” He was “Grandpa George” from then on.

Larry has a grandson – Cooper.  He was born in January of 2010.  I guess that makes me a grandmother…<gulp>.  He is a smart little kid, and tall!  He’s already 36 inches tall and only 2!  He can recognize his numbers and letters, and talks up a storm.  He loves to eat with chopsticks; using them to impale his food with rather than using them in the traditional way.

I’m sure there have been more events since I last posted, but for the life of me, I cannot draw from that far back.  It could be the late hour making my mind a little fuzzy or the Trazadone I took about a half hour ago to help me sleep.  Either way, my long term memory  is a little out of reach right now.  Nevertheless, this is a start, and I’ll take it. 

In closing, allow me to leave you with this thought:

Simple, Magnificent Miracle

If you’re not happy, it’s because you’ve convinced yourself not to be. If you’re not overwhelmingly joyful at the prospect of living this very moment, your thoughts of negativity are covering up that natural joy.

Your existence is real, it is now, and it is amazing. Your life is inherently fulfilling, and a source of limitless onder and joy.That joy is yours simply by allowing it. That fulfillment is yours simply by living it as it unfolds.

You don’t need to first accumulate a lot of possessions, relationships, experiences or power. All you have to do is to quit fighting and to quit denying the beautiful, unique spirit that is alive in you.

Let go of all thoughts to the contrary, and experience how truly beautiful your life already is. Delight in the simple, magnificent miracle of your existence.

Feel the joy that is always there, ready to flow out from you in limitless measure. Let go of the conditions and limits you’ve placed on happiness, and let that happiness easily and naturally fill your world.                -Anonymous-

This entry was posted in Other.

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