Fair-Weather Blogger?

RAINBOWEveryone has heard the term “fair-weather friend” to describe someone who only comes around when times are good.  Well, after more than a 5 month absence on my blog, I have started to wonder if my rabid readers are using that term to describe me….and I can’t bear the thought!! 

So, here I am to tell you all, that “fair-weather blogger” I am NOT!  In fact, fair-weather it certainly isn’t!  Oh, meteorologically speaking, the weather has been FABULOUS!  We are having our beautiful October weather here in the middle of November.  You will find no complaints here in that department.  However, metaphorically speaking, the “weather” around here has been pretty bleak. 

I am working hard to remain positive.  The summer was rather rough – teenagers with nothing to do are very dangerous animals.  Animals that would be better left caged, it would seem.  Instead, left to their own devices, they get into trouble, experiment with things they shouldn’t, and generally fray Mom’s rope to within a strand of it snapping in two!  Long story short – my son IS still alive and still living at home! 

My daughter, too, has had her challenges.  Mostly, trying to help her understand that when our 2 year old black Lab, Lexie, has been inside all day, she really shouldn’t have to wait to go out once Mac gets home from school.  GRRR!  Oh, and there is the concept of mouthing-off-to-mom-when-you-have-friends-over-gets-you-grounded has been hard for her to grasp.  There is that 13 year old girl “thing” that I have had a hard time dealing with.  My mother insists that I went through something similar, but I was older than Mac is now.  Incidentally, I have apologized to my mother.  I figured it was the least I could do. 

Yet, with these ominous clouds of doom looming over our humble home, I always manage to find that silver lining just lurking behind the darkest one, reminding me that there are better days to come… 

Larry (my husband) is not going to lose his job with the budget slashing going on in our state government.  And even with all the drama here at home, he is hanging in there; stepping up, and proving to be not just a wonderful husband, but a wonderful father to my children.  They may not be his children by birth, but they are certainly his by love. 

Show choir season has begun for both of the kids.  It is my favorite time of the year.  My reasons are two-fold; watching the kids perform gives me an enormous feeling of happiness, and we are SO busy that there isn’t time for more drama!  Love it!  There is nothing more comforting than the knowledge that there will be constant entertainment for several months!  Who can’t be happy when kids are singing and dancing and having a wonderful time?! 

As for me – fall is proving to be a very busy time.  In working full time, doing the wife and mother thing, AND being a student myself, my daily 24 hr allotment of time is more than filled.  I’m not complaining.  I feel blessed.  Really.  I feel that there must be some purpose to all of this chaos, and someday, I will ask God about it.  Of course by then, I will probably have forgotten what I wanted to ask. 

Life is messy.   I’ll get over it.

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